Wednesday, July 4, 2007


IT IS A KNOWN FACT; The PSYCHIC brain exists. The ordinary LEFT BRAINED PERSON can learn to use his RIGHT BRAIN. This side of the apparatus can be trained, in all of us. We can LEARN to see around corners; know the unknown, ask the questions of our OWN PSYCHEs that give us, (me and you and your kids and loved ones) the ANSWERS that we NEED to make our life plans, answers that diminish negative moods or thoughts, or wipe them out entirely. We can gain control, exist in a permanent BLISS state, no longer buffeted about by the flotsam and jetsum caught in the currents of daily life as reactively lived by humans.

A FREE NEW AGE STUDIES group starting here off the BLOGSPOT, THE MASTER JULES SEMINAR online, free, right now....and actual ARCHIVES of WISDOM, SECRETS that you can SAVE TO CACHE to study at your leisure, to get you started with PSYCHIC PHENOMENA that you can share at our first meeting. The teacher is THE MASTER JULES, a famous West Hollywood Antiquarian, sweetheart of Jackie Bisset, decorator for Barbra Streisand, a lecturer, Psychic/Hermit/Writer/Philosopher and self made MULTI MILLIONAIRE who will teach you how to be like him, smarter, kinder, richer and even more psychic as the STUDENT always surpasses the master. He will teach you the Secrets of The Psychic Arts and ancient Consciousness expanding principles of the Rig Veda, Tibetan Yoga and Kaballah.

All classrooms are free. THE MINDFUL MIND can benefit us in ways not so obvious, as new age careers present themselves, we can support ourselves in any big city, at any time later. We heal the mental health issues of people around us. We learn to detect the suffering or near mad. We learn to clear them. All Metaphysics Classes are free, l00%, this is final, no surprises down the line. Study online at Above URL and for free read HOW TO BE PSYCHIC at
or the MASTER JULES website

You can take the free SEMINAR on CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, right now by surfing to those URLS or do it later when things quiet down, or go there now, save the whole index to cache as an HTM file and enter it later, or EMAIL it to yourself. We're nothing but OPTIONS!

The study of metaphysics the way WE do it, is a quick click website, no registering, no filling in questions about name, home. It's free and a quick click immediate entry website designed for STUDYING THIS FIELD of POWER MIND or as Jules called it, the MINDFUL mind. This BLOGSPOT might be where you bring your questions or comments as it will inspire others to follow your successes.

The committing to regular reading on this subject becomes like a B12 injection which energizes. Reading the right books (BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST,) will be like a MAP showing HOW TO GET to NIRVANA, Peace, higher consciousness, permanent bliss. You drop out of it, the tech is given to get right back in! Also there is a starter kit onYoga, Meditation exercises, which develop psychic powers, POWER OF WILL over habits, over the appetites of the body, Emotional control, The relaxed ability to trance out and KNOW ALL, SEE ALL. And a lot on quitting addictions.

THE MASTER JULES SEMINAR is a map to that place would certainly be valuable. But for many of us, the spark that metaphysical reading gives us is like a MATCH that lights a beautiful bonfire of native abilities, inherent, genetic treasures that we always had....suddenly they LIGHT UP and you see that YOU ARE LIKE the great ones, Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus, Moses. You are a prophet, a visionary. ALREADY. It was always there. You don't need the MASTER JULES at all but because is has left Earth and is on the Astral Plane it is probable that if you call him, he will come. So you have an extra terrestrial friend.

If you're interested in learning metaphysics, THESE SITES are part of a thousand classroom cyberseminar, online. Read the FREE E.S.P. plus "trancing out" training files called "ADD MAGIC TO YOUR LIFE, and you will add magic to your life in ONE hour, one reading.

Interesting that Harry Potter is a POP phenomenon today as NOW IS THE year of the most stress ever and the TIME that the planet needs this kind of powers to surface in its citizens to survive the harsh times. We all intuit that there is some metaphorical reality to the claims of Ms Rowling. (its novelist) that man CAN be magic. Visit the free classroom and see how the
spirit world is just as big and even weighty as the real world we see, know and believe in. There are other rooms just outside this dimension. If you know how to get your hands on the dials and levers, EVERYTHING becomes easier. For you and those who know you.

P.S. Once you and a few chums are studying, *(SEND THIS URL TO THEM,) Then and here is the fun part, create your own, more local living room group to do yoga, talk about healthfoods, new age books, the HEAD TRIP OF THE MASTER. You turn it into a new age full moon party; create a feast, serve a little wine and turn spiritual progress into a fun once a month HARRY POTTER party!

VISIT THE MASTER JULES WEBSITE where the teachings of the MASTER JULES are lodged, in cyberspace. They are the written map to where you want to go, the RUTHLESS RULES OF LIVING, a head trip that when followed, gives bliss, power, success especially when you TAKE your friends and family with you.

This website is , I promise you, a Safe and Powerful space. Visit often. Send your children,
signed, Anita Sands Hernandez a mother of four who transcribed many of the 200 tapes that the Master left us and who has her own websites, based on the things Jules taught : HOW TO MARRY WELL, A SEMINAR FOR BEAUTIES on the ART OF LOVE, next THE PRIMER on METAPHYSICS and last, MAKING MONEY with GUERILLA CAPITALISM

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